Join hex and HAD for an evening of brief, weird readings from a bunch of our contributors. Seattle taco pop-up Comal will be on hand selling food, beer, wine, and nonalcoholic drinks.
Readers include Cameron Bocanegra, Aaron Burch, Nicole Callihan, Melissa Dittrich, Robert Long Foreman, Adrian Dallas Frandle, Keith Mark Gaboury, Nancy Huang, Benjamin Niespodziany, Wendy Oleson, Pedro Ponce, Remi Recchia, Ruby Rorty, Valentine Sargent, Parth Shah, Evan Williams
Where: Broadcast Coffee Roosevelt (6515 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115)
When: Friday, March 10, 7-9pm
Get there: From the conference, light rail from the Westlake Station to Roosevelt Station